Social Media News Release

July 9, 2010 StormAshley

The Social Media News Release has been dubbed the “smart media release,” and they are contributing to the success of many companies. It is also referred to as a Multimedia News release. SMNR’s have been  referred to as the ultimate marketing tool for consumer engagement. Companies use this tool as a platform to address audiences nationally. SMNR’s are said to be a resource that provides a comprehensive audience with all the components of a news story composed into one package.

A social Media Release is more than just a traditional new release, it is virtually a new format for an online press release. SMNR’s were first pioneered by some of the most major electronic distribution services in the world. They are designed to encourage new technology that contributes to a more customized information delivery approach in the online environment.

SMNR’s are also designed to do a better job of communicating to the media, bloggers by offering different types of formats that better suit the needs of the consumers. SMNR’s go beyond just your average standard pitch, they can include video and graphics along with embedded video clips that add dimension  and relevant new bites and often times quotes.

Unlike traditional Media News Releases, SMNR’s allow for blog comments to be attached to to them so the readers can be active and engage  in the company conversations and announcements. The popularity of social media can be credited to the increasing popularity of SMNR’s.

Some advantages of an SMNR include its diverse and flexible format. Companies can develop SMNR’s that portray the point they are trying to get across. It’s flexible design allows different companies to attract the audience they are striving for. Through SMNR’s, information is spread in a more timely manner and it is easy accessible.

SMNR’s have so many advantages that it is hard to say what its disadvantages are. I have researched them on the internet and I have yet to find any complaints about SMNR’s.

Some tips for creating an SMNR would be to have a professional  create them that is highly skilled in the technology area and knows how to work with sound bites and video clips. Another tip for creating an SMNR would be to make sure it is easily accessible to bloggers and journalists or whom ever your target audience may be. With the technology that we acquire today, it is especially important that companies keep up with the fast pace and make sure that its news release is up to speed.

When creating SMNR’s it is important that you don’t go overboard with links. It is good to provide links on your release but you don’t want to have too many because that can cause confusion for your reader.When a company is choosing images for it’s release, it is also important that they opt for high-resolution multimedia that can be easily applied.Make sure to always place terms in key positions; for instance, only in headlines and first paragraph’s.

Examples of Social Media News Releases can be found at these site:

Websites used:

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